Feathers and Fur – Painting Set
Friday, October 13

Do you want to learn how to paint photo-realistic feathers and fur? Join Terri Butler for an afternoon learning how to extract your animal from a photo and how to prepare your image for painting and a discussion of painting process from mixer to final lighting.

Step-by-Step Painting Process
Understanding Different Types of Feathers and Fur
Demo Different Mixer Techniques
Understanding Painting Overlays
See a File Breakdown from Cutout to Final Image
Tips for Enhancing Texture After Painting

I’m a retired Navy Medical Service Corps officer turned Consultant in the Healthcare Technology vertical.  I was an independent consultant for about 11 years and loved the “non-corporate” life.  But even the days of consulting are behind me now as I embrace full-time retirement and spend my days on two primary activities: Photography and Corvettes! Oh and I can’t forget travel… which has taken up a fair amount of my first couple of years of retirement.